Trees For Tomorrow Today

The Power Of Nature Is Everywhere

It is very easy to see the tremendous destructive power of Nature all around us. We witness many devastating natural events…from huge forest fires to hurricanes and massive flooding and other destructive world-changing events.

We see them every day…and all we can do is prepare for disasters, respond the best we can when they happen, and hope for the best for everyone and our planet after they happen.

The Incredible Power Of Seeds

But sometimes the subtle Power Of Nature is missed when it’s in plain sight…like in a growing seed.

The simple natural power of a Seed is incredible…strong, persistent, relentless in it’s efforts to grow and reach the sunlight.

This is the same Power Of Nature that is within everyone of us…!

The message from our precious seeds…”Don’t ever give up…!”

This Is The Story Of A Little Seed That Could Not Be Stopped

Powerful Unseen Forces Of Nature Are Unstoppable

A concrete roadway is a formidable barrier to Life.

By design, the concrete is hard and uncaring to any Life below.

But underneath…hidden beneath the surface of the concrete…

Life stirs.

New seeds sprout unseen and put out roots seeking nutrients and sunlight to survive under the concrete.

But the seed doesn’t ever give up. It’s persistence is immeasurable and powerful. 

The young seed is defiant and unstoppable as it finds a small hairline crack under the concrete road.

The growing seed is small, but it exerts a powerful steady, silent force to wedge itself into the crack as it continues to grow upwards to reach the sun.

The man-made concrete…as strong and durable as it is…cannot stop the powerful little seed from pushing upwards and realizing it’s full potential.

Over days and weeks…the tremendous pressure from the growing seed builds under the concrete and the crack widen more and more each day.

Unseen under the concrete…the roots grow thicker, stronger, fueled by the unyielding will to live and survive…and the seed continues to grow strong and push upwards.

One day, with a silent push from the living seed sprout, the concrete suddenly breaks and gives way. 

A strong green shoot emerges above the concrete into the fresh air to greet the world with fresh hope.

The tiny green plant stands defiant above the now broken concrete, waving it’s leaves joyfully in the sunlight.

It speaks of the power of Nature that courses through every living thing, a power that can move the Earth, break stone, and claim its place in the sun.

It is the same powerful, persistent Nature that flows in all of us as we face the many challenges to heal our planet and make a better world for ourselves and our future generations.

Trees For Tomorrow Today

An Unstoppable Force To Make A Better Future For Everyone